WhatsApp is working on the feature of creating and searching users on web clients using a username. WhatsApp users may change their username at any time. According to the report by WabetaInfo, WhatsApp users will no longer need to enter their phone numbers to search and talk to people on the application.
WhatsApp is one of the most popular instant messaging apps in the world. It is constantly adding new features and enhancements to its platform. The company is currently working on the feature to create users and search them on the web client using a username. This will help enhance the privacy of the users who interact with each other through the app. The feature was first spotted on Android version ‘’, where users were able to interact with their contacts using a username.
According to the screenshot from the report, users will be able to search for contacts by typing their username in the search bar in future builds. This will remove the need to input phone numbers and provide a privacy-friendly way to find people in the app.
This additional layer of privacy will allow users to interact with people without having to reveal their mobile numbers, according to the report. It will also provide anonymity as users will not have to reveal their phone numbers when interacting with others. It can be useful to manage the contact information sharing on the application. For example, instead of sharing phone numbers on the app, users will have the option of sharing usernames.
This feature can be useful in cases where people don't want to give out their contact details to strangers to make it easier to communicate. The Meta-owned app was also seen to be developing this feature on the internet. WhatsApp tracker suggests that a WhatsApp user can change their username at any time. The mobile number will also remain hidden when the user interacts with others using his username.